graph TD
of[veritas.py > openFile] --> lf[loader.py > loadFile];
lf[loader.py > loadFile] --> aa[loader.py > isArtifactA];
aa[loader.py > isArtifactA] -->|No| ab[loader.py > isArtifactB];
aa[loader.py > isArtifactA] -->|Yes| as{Artifact Supported?};
ab[loader.py > isArtifactB] -->|Yes| as{Artifact Supported?};
ab[loader.py > isArtifactB] -->|No| others[...];
others[...] -->|No| urv[veritas.py > updateRecycleViews];
others[...] -->|Yes| as{Artifact Supported?};
as{Artifact Supported?} -->|No| urv[veritas.py > updateRecycleViews];
as{Artifact Supported?} -->|Yes| an[loader.py > isArtifiactN];
an[loader.py > isArtifiactN] -->|calls| ant[artifactN.py > artifactNTemplate];
ant[artifactN.py > artifactNTemplate] ---> |is populated by contributor| template([artifactNtemplate]);
ant[artifactN.py > artifactNTemplate] ---> |is populated by contributor| size([artifactNsizes]);
ant[artifactN.py > artifactNTemplate] ---> |is populated by contributor| markers([artifactNmarkers]);
template([artifactNtemplate]) --> |passed to| abs[offsetter.py > toAbsolute];
size([artifactNsizes]) --> |passed to| abs[offsetter.py > toAbsolute];
abs[offsetter.py > toAbsolute] --> |returns| tdata([templatedata]);
tdata([templatedata]) --> |returns| an[loader.py > isArtifiactN];
markers([artifactNmarkers]) --> |returns| an[loader.py > isArtifiactN];
ant[artifactN.py > artifactNTemplate] ----> |calls| rf[primer.py > readFile];
rf[primer.py > readFile] --> |returns| fhd([formattedhexdata]);
rf[primer.py > readFile] --> |returns| fad([formattedasciidata]);
fhd([formattedhexdata]) --> |returns| an[loader.py > isArtifiactN];
fad([formattedasciidata]) --> |returns| an[loader.py > isArtifiactN];
an[loader.py > isArtifiactN] --> od([offsetdata]);
an[loader.py > isArtifiactN] --> hd([hexdata]);
an[loader.py > isArtifiactN] --> ad([asciidata]);
an[loader.py > isArtifiactN] --> md([markerdata]);
od([offsetdata]) --> f([first]);
hd([hexdata]) --> f([first]);
ad([asciidata]) --> f([first]);
md([markerdata]) --> s([second]);
f([first]) --> urv[veritas.py > updateRecycleViews];
s([second]) --> urv[veritas.py > updateRecycleViews];
Way too dank? Let's break it down!
There are primarily 4 types of files in the project structure: